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Here are some of the artists who will entertain you throughout the festival and more names are coming!  
Covid 19 update: If the festival is canceled or restrictions prevent us from conducting a safe event then the festival pass will be refunded. It will also be possible to transfer festival passes to the Liverpool Festival 2022


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Lørdag kveld byr på en energibombe når The Ragamuffins kommer direkte fra Liverpool by for å lage liv fra hovedscenen. Det var et krav fra alle på Liverpoolfestivalen 2023 at vi inviterte disse tilbake .

Her blir det LFC låter på løpende bånd fra gutta som står bak supporterversjonene av blant annet "Si Senor" og "Tsimi Tsimi Tsimi our Kostas Tsimikas " (Gimme gimme gimme)


The Ragamuffins har de siste sesongene vært husbandet på Hotel Anfield og er fast innslag der på kampdagene. De har også spilt rundt på store supporter arrangement i USA, Canada og Europa men nå skal de endelig tilbake til Liverpoolfestivalen. Dette blir en perfekt avslutning på festivalens siste dag! Her kommer LFC perlene på rekke og rad!

The Ragamuffins står på hovedscenen LØRDAG



Torsdag kveld blir det god kok på festivalområdet når Hr. Smiths Venner drar i gang sin hyllest til Joachim «Jokke» Nielsen!

Hr. Smiths Venner er et hyllestband til Joachim «Jokke» Nielsen, og leverer de udødelige klassikerne hans med energi, tempo og råskap. Bandet har siden 2010 spilt over 200 konserter og har med det opparbeidet seg et særdeles godt rykte som beinsolide leverandører av Jokkes arv.

Bandet har figurert på forskjellige konsertarenaer, puber, barer, utesteder, samfunnshus, privatboliger, låver, festivaler, klamme kjellere og glovarme scener både innendørs og ute rundt omkring i Norge, ingen scene er for stor og ingen plass er for liten. Bandet leverer pur energi fra scenen når de hamrer grundig løs på Jokkes katalog midt i mellom ærefryktig respekt og skamløs spilleglede, og publikum er garantert å forlate konserten med et smil om munnen og et minne for livet.

Hr. Smiths Venner står på hovedscenen TORSDAG


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Andy Hodgson er kanskje ikke et navn du umiddelbart vet hvem er, men har du tilbragt litt tid på Taggys i Anfield Road så har du antageligvis fått med deg denne fyren. 35 åringen som er født og oppvokst bare noen steinkast fra Anfield er en vassekte scouser og LFC supporter.

Andy gjorde stor suksess under Liverpoolfestivalen 2023 og vi har lyst til å gi han nok en runde. Gled deg til å oppleve en ekte scouser med et blodrødt hjerte.

Andy er en aktiv musiker og mange av dere har også opplevd han når dere har droppet innom en eller flere av pubene rundt omkring i Liverpool. Nå er han klar for sin fjerde opptreden i Norge. Vi kan garantere god stemning når mr Hodgson drar i gang gitaren. Han vil være til stede på festivalen både fredag og lørdag!


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This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!


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This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!



This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!



This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!



This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!



This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!



This band was one of the first to end up on our wish list. Liverpool city is a fantastic music city that has fostered many big names, and the biggest one is of course The Beatles.


Det Betales has been hailed as the world's best Beatles tribute band, and they have performed more than 50 concerts at the legendary The Cavern Club in Liverpool. They have also performed in front of 40,000 spectators in Liverpool city center in connection with the 50th anniversary of the release of the single My Bonnie, which The Beatles recorded with Tony Sheridan. On stage with them, of course, was Tony Sheridan


The guys have toured all over the world since the start in 1976 and we are very proud and happy that they bring the sound of Liverpool to our festival. Here are the hits like pearls on a string, Penny Lane, She loves you Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, A hard days night, Can't buy me love and Hey Jude to name a few of the songs you will get to experience. We also suspect that the heart is beating a little extra for Liverpool FC among the guys in the band!

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